Thursday, August 18, 2011

America's most prosperous times have been after tax cuts, the worst times after tax increases.?

The countries second largest deoression in history started after the Bush Tax cuts. Our economy is much too complex to say the stregth of it is ultimately based, and solely, on taxes. The largest economic boom was actually during the roaring twenties, and it led to the great depression. Second largest? The roaring nineties, and it led to the recent economic woes. Both booms began with tax cuts and ended with bad times. Regan actually cut taxes too much, had a mive budget shortffall, raised taxes the next year, and stole 330 billion from social security to cover the damage; this started an annual process of our governement stealing from social security and now it is in finacial trouble. Bush had the worst job creation record of modern presidents. Only 3 million jobs created while he cut taxes. Did that money trickle down and transform in new jobs? No.

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