Monday, August 15, 2011

Do children tend to have almost the same BMI their parents used to have when they were their age?

my first two children were thin as children, my third was not. I was very overweight when I was young and my last child seems to be following in my footsteps. My daughter is the oldest, she has always been thin and always will be, like a size 2, my son who is less than a year younger than her is a giant, 6'5", 250, size 15 shoe, try buying shoes for that! I had a staple job on my stomach when I was 14 and lost all my weight in 3 months. I got big again and carried it for a few years with the pregnancies, but I have it under control again and I'm smaller that I have ever been in my life. Walking, lots of walking will drop the pounds faster than any diet, you can eat anything as long as you get enough exercise and you still will drop the weight. I believe our environment is to blame for a lot problems encountered throughout our lives. Not just diet, but everything, I think if asked, nature or nurture, our environment makes such a dramatic difference in many aspects of our life.

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