Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is This Is A Good Diet To Lose Weight?

You're doing a lot of physical activity which is fantastic! You didn't mention how many calories you take in daily, but make sure you get at least 1200 a day. If you go below that your metabolism will slow down and your body will hold on to fat. I know what it's like to not feel hungry, and I often have to force feed myself food to reach 1200 calories. When I went below that I stopped losing weight completely. So it is important. If you find it difficult to reach 1200 a day, I suggest you substitute some of the foods you're eating for ones a little higher in fat so you can get more calories daily. I also recommend that you head to the gym first thing in the morning BEFORE you eat anything. This is the best time to work out because your body's carbohydrates are at their lowest and this causes your body to burn fat for energy a lot faster. If you work out after breakfast, then you have to burn off the egg and the bran flakes first, then you'll be burning stored fat. Understand, eating first slows down the fat burning process a little bit. Good luck and keep it up!

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