Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why do hallways scare me so much at school?

I dont know why but hallways have freaked me out so much ever since I moved to another state (its been 5 years now) the first year I moved I was fine. Then after about a year in 7th grade i started being isolated, aggressive, and I never left my room, and id freak out anywhere public like at restaurants especially or going through certain hallways at school. Then the next year I was alone too but I think i was a little bit better but i still hated public places. Then came high school 9th grade at the beginning of school I was alone for half of that year, till I got a new gorup of friends. Id have to go through the lunch room hallway and id always hold my breathe,freak out in my head, walk super fast, everyone stared at me everyday i went past there..but anyways id go straight to my cl and sit there alone till my..egnore me a bunch friends came. Now im in 10th grade and im not alone except Im use to being alone so now I learnt to like it screws with my social life. I got over the eating in restaurants and I walk in a different hallway in school..But I freak out still Like ill start walking super fast and hold my breathe and I get Darting eyes(which my boyfriend notices) but anyways I get super paranoid and sometimes i even almost cry.. Im also afraid to show PDA in the hallways with my boyfriend and im not afraid of teachers it just freaks me out it feels like everyones watching me when we kiss or anything so im always paranoid and its only in the hallways... Why am I so scared of the hallways???Why do they make me so paranoid???

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