Monday, August 8, 2011

Is my friend a lady or does she lack cl?

My friend, Nora, claims to be a lady and says she's refined. She has a Louis Vuitton bag or two, which we all say are fakes, and each time we try to take them away from her to examine them, she holds them closely and growls like an animal. She smokes pot. She has given a man or two . Earlier today, we were having lunch and she was wearing overall shorts and I noticed her legs were a bit hairy. She laughed, spatting all over my new blouse, and said, ''Well, don't I look like a bear?'' rather loudly in the restaurant. More than one person turned their head around in horror. Recently, she says she's going to take ballet lessons and ''dance naked whilst on stickham.'' Is that a lady? Or is she comon? She's 15.

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