Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should I contact the police?

well you say it was six weeks since you have seen her...why not go and knock on the door....if you get no reply ...then peek through the letter box...if there is a ton of mail and or papers on the floor might be prudent to ask your neighbours if they have seen the women and children.....if they have not...then you might want to call the police ...i think from my own point of view...that i would have called may be nothing..but the police would rather hear your concerns,then they can make the call to check it out or not...(they can check mobile and land line phone bills/numbers etc...they also have access to house occupiers names etc..if you don't already know her/their names..)they also have the power to break down doors gain entry if they are as concerned as you...hope all is well...too many people these days live next to each other and don't know the lots of cases of mainly elderly people being found dead in the uk especially in the winter...i have known people not know who's next door and they have lived next door for 10-20-or even 30 years!are you being too just a concerned neighbour....good luck and i hope it turns out all is well and innocent

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