Thursday, August 18, 2011

America's most prosperous times have been after tax cuts, the worst times after tax increases.?

The countries second largest deoression in history started after the Bush Tax cuts. Our economy is much too complex to say the stregth of it is ultimately based, and solely, on taxes. The largest economic boom was actually during the roaring twenties, and it led to the great depression. Second largest? The roaring nineties, and it led to the recent economic woes. Both booms began with tax cuts and ended with bad times. Regan actually cut taxes too much, had a mive budget shortffall, raised taxes the next year, and stole 330 billion from social security to cover the damage; this started an annual process of our governement stealing from social security and now it is in finacial trouble. Bush had the worst job creation record of modern presidents. Only 3 million jobs created while he cut taxes. Did that money trickle down and transform in new jobs? No.

Why are my herbs misting?

i got some herbs from a friend. they're very dry, and mostly in chunks, so i have to break them up. and when i do break them up, a fine mist comes out of them and floats to the ceiling. is this normal with dry herbs, or should i be wary of these herbs?

How did you hear about Y!A? (WQ inside)?

I heard about y/a by typing a q in to yahoo search engine & the answer i was looking for came up on here!

Speech to a girl. Serious answers!?

uhhh dont say i have a mive crush on you. the word "crush"is a bit.... i dunno jsut say i really like you. other than that fine! its all cool except dont get your hopes up because she already has a boyfriend and if she does like you back then she would break up with him, dont expect her to break her relationship because of that speech. I think that speech is good though good luck!

What say you Residents to Sheriff's Office: You traumatized children?

I say that the "Border Action Network" has always lied and stirred up trouble when there was none. Their entire agenda is to ist aliens criminally in the United States or ist others to illegal enter the country. I side with law enforcement on this.

Advice plz!! friends with benefits isnot talking to me?

we are both Military Police and both 21years old i am leaving in September for the AIr force Basic Training. We hungout all the time when i first met him for 5months then became friends with benefits and we Really liked eachother we cuddled, , and still was able to hangout as friends. he also showed PDA infront of ppl but...we got in a fight and didnt talk for 7months... We just starting talking about 2 weeks ago... we hungout at least 3times a week... He txted me everyday and we became friends with benefits again... But all of a sudden he isnt replying to my texts or anything hes ignoring my txts and i dnt know why... i wanna know. should i ask him? what should i say?

Will this computer run "The Sims 3"?

Either one would do the trick...but i would Upgrade with a Real graphics card instead of an integrated one....Intel GMA Graphics are TERRIBLE....

What is this song called? i really need answers?

alll i can remember is, "when i'm walkin' i strut my stuff, and i might just check you out!" it was a guy singing it, and it sounded kinda mexican. :D so who sings it, and what's it called?

What should I tell her?

A friend of mine called me up crying tonight about this guy she had dated a few times..She saw him with another chick..she was devastated. I guess she saw them in the parking lot outside her work place. She said when he saw her he started coughing out loud and saying woo-hoo or something. She said she is going to quit her job tomorrow. I am worried about her. I told her not to quit her job over this. She asked me what she should do and I said to go to work and suck it up. Why do men do this to good women?

In economics, what is "The Paradox of Value"?

The paradox of value is that something like water, which is necessary for human life, has very low value relative to something like a diamond, which is not at all essential to human life.

This is a riddle that I came across and need the answer too.?

Blackjacks anyone? He was the first to play at The Casbah, and it was most definitely rocking, with a little help from Mona. While his sound was beat back and eventually replaced by a star, this person’s claim to fame was that he was the original. Who is he and what is his claim to fame?

How can i lose 10 kgs fast?

hey im really big compared to all my friends and suck at exercise. how can i tone up so i can look good in a bikini fast. and lose weight

I need help with Simile,metaphor,and personifications?!?!?

Hold on, I'll ask my boyfriend. He's really good at these things. For your first answers however, they are good. I have no idea for a metaphor... Either does he, at least for a basketball. Sorry, I wish I could help.

How 2 tell my mom??

im going out with someone and i dunno how 2 tell her cause she knows he smokes pot sometimes.plzz hlp!im begging!!!!also his cuzin likes me and picked flowers one day with a note that said "i love u".what 2 can i let him down easy?

What Celebrity Crushes Did You Have Before You Were 12?

The only ones I remember are Rider Strong, Leonardo Dicaprio, Justin Timberlake(he's still hot) & JC Chasez. Rider Strong was my first one.

What is the song in Mean Girls 2?

I heard this cool song in Mean Girls 2. It plays while Jo's group is walking down the hall, looking all awesome. Then Mandy's group walks up too. What's the name of the song that plays during this part?

Why do Democrats still blame others for the 2004 election loss?

Ohio. Election frand. Althoug Kerry was a lousy candidate; and in my congressional district, the DCCC chose a moderate to run in my district; she got her kicked, the progressive would have polled MUCH higher.

What's this week's SD and RAW spoilers?

err ... just what happened!! I mean, might sound wierd to yah but it's bec. they play SD and RAW late here in our country

Does a gas fireplace need a chimney?

Yes, unless you want to die. All fuel fired sources, whether wood, natural gas, propane or animal dung, produces carbon monoxide. Relying on CO switches that shut the burning off if the CO levels get to high borders on moronic. In the case of a small enclosed space, not only are you contending with CO levels increasing; but just as dangerous, the percentage of oxygen decreasing.

Would you be annoyed if you found out that someone is using your Avatar for his/her own Y!A profile?

hmm..are you talking about your contact that goes by the name Stars:) think thats plain rude since its yours and you painstakingly did the touch up and all he/she shouldn't have use it

What could be taking her so long?

let me tell you a story about a boy and a girl. i, being the girl, have told this boy that i like him, and he said, i think we should be just friends. so we were, then a couple years pasted and told him again, and again he said i just want to be friends. i waited another year and told him again, he said the same thing, only this time i didnt let up. i told him every couple days always asked to hang out and whatever, we talked a lot, a lot, we talked until we couldnt anymore, we literally knew everything there was to know about each other and still he only wanted to be friends, but then i just said to hell with that, i took him, i held his hand and i kissed him. we've been together for 8 years now. found out he liked me the whole time and was afraid that it would ruin the friendship. and that is something really scary. she could just be afraid, but dont let up, and you can wait forever, because if you dont then you didnt really like her in the first place

How can I get movies I downloaded from Ares to play?

They download fine, but they won't play. All I get is sound. Is there something I need to add to get it to work or something? HELP!

How can I blend in more? (don't read if you're easily offended)?

I’m a 16 year old girl. I’m really skinny at 100lbs max and 5”5’. I have decent sized at a 32C, a tiny waist (23”) and hips (32’). I have only ever had 1 zit in my life. When I’m not in school I do freelance modelling. And that’s where my troubles begin. Everyone makes fun of how scrawny I am. They call me anorexic and say I’m a Barbie. People ume I’m fake. I’m also really outgoing and have had a few minor roles in movies/theatre, so that doesn’t help. I know I shouldn’t be complaining, but I guess the gr is always greener. I just want to be normal. I hate being treated like I’m a doll, or like I’m just plastic with nothing between the ears. I technically have the IQ of a genius (no joke), but no one takes me seriously. It’s so awkward when people constantly comment on my looks, and never notice what comes out of my mouth. I’m more than just a pretty shell! It deeply saddens me that as a senior in high school, guys don’t want to talk to me. Apparently, even with my ever present smile (I believe you’re never fully dressed without a smile) I am extremely intimidating to approach; just because of my looks. I’ve dated a couple of guys in university, but I think I was merely a trophy girlfriend. They expected me to be an airhead, and when I offered valid and intelligent reals to their comments, they run away like children. I try to be as open and friendly as I can, but it hurts that people judge me based on my looks and dismiss me as just a pretty face.

I need electric guitar help!?

I want to purchase a schecter guitar, but am stuck between two models. One model that i want, the hellraiser c-1 fr, has emgs and has the coil tap. The other one i want is the Blackjack atx c-1 fr, which has the seymour duncan blackouts, but no coil tap. What do you think is better? I've heard good thinks about the blackouts but dont know how much better they are than the emgs, or if emgs are good. And i dont know how important the coil taps are because i dont know what they do exactly tone-wise (i know they split the humbucker into single coil). I primarily play Hard Rock, blues, and metal. So i dont know which guitar would be better suited for me. Please help?! Thanks for all your help and input! Oh and should i buy used or new?

"EWWW your dating a little kid!" "umm no, he's 15!!!"?

I am in grade 11 and honestly look like i am 12 years old. I am actually 15...but whenever i tell people like that they are like WOOOOWWW!!! ive gotten introuble at school twice for being in a "grade 11 and 12 area only" ahhhh. I have a new girlfriend (we've going out for 2 weeks now) and we usually always hold hands. when we walk past people she knows, or is friends with...they are like "HOW OLD IS YOUR BOYFRIEND! :O" and shes like...."our age...15!" and they get surprised. It happens EVERY single day...and people at school stare...and keep staring!!! OMG! It really upsets me, cause my voice is not the deepest either. Someone came past the other day and said "you look like a FCKIN TEN YEAR OLD" to me, and that kinda hurt :/ I know it annoys my girlfriend as well. ive been asked more than once if "ive hit puberty yet" it kinda gets me down...and i feel bad about myself. I know there isn't anything i can really do, about my body is really developing itself slowly grr...but what can i do about the whole..."EWWW your dating a little kid!" "umm no, he's 15!!!" incidents?

What are some good songs that i can use as a ringtone?

I like Muse, Ludo, Evanescence, MCR, RJA, Papa Roach, Atreyu, Madina Lake, Paramore, Nickelback, 30 seconds to mars, Linkin Park, SOAD, Jimmy Eat World and other bands. Which songs from them (or other bands you recommend), would be good ringtones?

Would the world be a much better place if human beings were more like Vulcans?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a Trekkie, or anything, but I have to say that sometimes I wish we were more like Vulcans, since the Vulcans manage their emotions so well and they normally operate according to their intellect and sense of reason instead of their emotions.

What matters more, the needs of society or the rights or indivduals?

I believe America has that balance right now. Every society has news that is appalling. Crime, poverty, injustices are found in every society to varying degrees. When people are truly free they can reach their full potential. If we as a society want to meet the needs of the less fortunate, we need to elevate our standards. Morals are just as important as economics.

My doctor decided to take me out of work, I am only 20 weeks pregnant?

I am 20 weeks and 2 days pregnant with twins. A few days ago I thought I was leaking amnio fluid. I spent hours in the hospital, to find out it is my bladder. The doctor in the e.r. put me on bed rest, no , and no lifting. My regular doctor feels that because I am in my second trimester that I should be out of work and resting, not doing anything that may cause stress or bodily discomfort. My question is how does disability work? How long will I get it? If it runs out then what do I do? What are other options to help out with the money situaution? My husband makes decent money, but not enough to support us and to have extra money for baby things. I live in NY and work in a nursing home.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How do I find out if a council owns a road?

I would contact the Highways department and ask them direct. Most roads with the exception of a few are owned by them. I don't know the exact process but would imagine that it will involve filling out forms and you may need to take some pictures as proof of the problem.

Singing tips!!! Saliva Build up ?! Emotions?! Head voice?! Vowels?

I need urgent help(questions it would be a great help if you could answer any of these: I am a supremo2 / alto what does this mean ? I know this sounds pathetic but iI have the urge to swallow every time I sing because Im afraid to spit how can i prevent this ? I need tips on my head voice as in sending the air from your diaphragm to your facial ask mask IDK ? Emotions hm plain emotions? and last bust hardest vowels like :O and stuff thanks i will ask this question may times through out the times so keep checking my account

Is it me, or is getting more aggressive in supermarkets?

OAP’s are the worst, they come armed with shotguns I swear it’s so. Trolleys at the back of your heels at the very least you’ll get if you overtake them down an isle. Oh and prams, don’t get me started! :)

FF: Week 4 Bye Question?

I'd drop Eddie Royal or Fred Jackson. I know Jackson has had a great first 2 weeks, but Lynch is coming back soon and who knows how all of that will end up. They might split carries, or one of them could get the bulk of the carries. Regardless, I don't see Jackson putting up numbers anywhere close to what he has been.

Coping with an ex girlfriend..?

My current ex girlfriend and i were together for a while and i thought i loved her and everyday she would tell me that she loved me and how she wanted to be with me for a long time, but i texted her one day and asked were she wanted to go and she says "no its not even like that anymore" and i was like "what do you mean" and she said "your just stupid i don't like you and you don't mean anything to me ..your worthless and i am breaking up with you". I was just in complete turmoil i haven't talked to her since and i don't know how someone could do something like that to someone they supposedly cared about..I am just destroyed emotionally and mentally i don't feel the same, i don't think the same, and no matter what i do i am always thinking of her. I really need some help any ideas that work for forgetting about an ex, please!!! because if i can't figure something out soon i know i am going to do something very stupid because i cant live with a constant heartache much longer.

Should there be a Navy Deck for Magic the Gathering?

This is not YuGiOh where they need a cartoon to come up with ideas, MTG has a very long storyline that is full of magic and fantasy, not technology like this. The cards you mention would completely break the game and should never be made. Oh and cards are never "enabled", you tap them for their abilities.

How do i get a gig singing in front of the capitol, or in DC where EVERYONE can hear?

just moved here from michigan, and have excellent talent (i hear, lol) i have my instrumentals recorded.

Good clical music?

I absolutley love Beethoven, by far the best composer, and motzart is pretty good, not a big fan of bach... Any good clical music someone wants to reccomend by chance?

Do ski and snowboard resorts have rental clothing and equipment?

i want to join the ski club at my school, but i've never skied before. my teachers offer to help, but i didn't know if i had to buy my own equipment or clothes or whatever.

Where can I find free whodunit-type game downloads like CSI that let you play for 1 hour? or even longer?

Prefer gently mysteries rather than encylopaedic but not too b. Not into overly complicated puzzles either. I'm a retired 60 yr old who loves murder mystery weekends and all of Agatha Christie books. Enjoy seeking out obscure clues but no ley lines or pendulums - I've done lots of those and find them tedious.

Stoking a 260l tank ? help?

i have a 10 inch tiger oscar and a 9 inch bala shark and a 6 inch bala shark can i put anything else in if i can what

Name suggestions for a book I am writing!?

I find it very hard to believe you've published six books, yet you can't come up with one name for a character you should know inside and out. This is your job, hon.

Should Iodine be very soluble in Kerosene? Why?

Yes- it's because iodine is a non-polar molecule, since both atoms are the same. Kerosene is just hydrocarbons, and so is non-polar, and since 'like dissolves like' it will dissolve iodine well!

What are some good Rock Albums?

AC/DC Back in black, ZZTop eliminator, Led Zeppelin physical graffiti, the who Who's next, def leppard hysteria

TIME Magazine August 31, 2009 issue?

What is the page number for the article on John Kerry "Back in the Hunt"? If anyone has this issue of TIME and could tell me that would be excellent! Thank you so much

How to open control panel without going from start on bec i m in serious problem?

had upgraded with IE 8 & now i can see no icons task bar and no right click on desktop. the problem started after the installations of IE 8 completed and asked me to restart... after that i restarted and after the welcome screen it showed a error containg the message "please tell ur message to microsoft" and asked me to send error reports or not.....this problem was arriesd due to IE8 as it error related to it.......NOW plz tell me how to restore my computer again and getting all my icons running programs using task manager.... i wanna to unstallal window is xp .... please guide me

TEENS: Have you ever had to deal with an eating disorder?

I myself am currently dealing with an eating disorder. Many people believe that the disorder takes over a persons life, but when you're like me and don't want people knowing, you learn to act like nothing's wrong. I've been acting like i am just " not hungry" at school for the past two months. Dealing with this is one of the hardest things that i have ever had to do, but admitting to it was worse. i haven't gotten over this yet, and i haven't told my parents. Making yourself eat isn't as easy as it sounds.

Isn't the debate about creationism and evolution just a matter of interpretation?

one side is biased, crazy, and delusional, the other is capable of objectively examining scientific data.

How to be a more confident guy?

Hi, I'm 15 years old and I'll be 16 this coming thursday. I'm just wondering if anyone knows how i can be more confident in myself. My self consciousness and lack of confidence makes day to day life A lot more difficult then it should be. A lot of people tell me I'm cute handsome y etc. and my family is always trying to not be so hard on myself but In my eyes i see myself as ugly, likewise with sports. People tell me I'm really good but as i see it im terrible.. I just know my life would be A lot better (Not saying its bad I have a very blessed life) if i were more confident.

Halloween Party??????????????????Girls plz hlp?

On Halloween My Friend Is Having A Halloween Party.I'm going to be the only guy there.What should i expect?how should i act???????

I'm 15, not ually active but taking birth control and I've had my period for 18 days now. I'm confused..

I've been sick on and off with common cold symptoms with "Hints" of bronchitis (sp?) thrown in there. a few days into taking the pill, I started to take an antibiotic, Erythrocin and continued 3 times a day for 10 days. All during that time, I had my period. I thought it would stop 10 days later... but it didn't. and its been 4 days since I've emptied the bottle. I'm getting sick again with bronchitis and congestion and blah blah blah. I've been looking online and found nothing. I'm stressing out because I started taking the pill to "lighten things up" But I'm just stressed. =( istance si vous plait.

Second Coming-Jesus wants to put your library on his IPOD.?

What would be some of his 25 favorites from yours? Science by System of a down? Over the mountain by Ozzy? One by metallica? If 6 was 9 by Hendrix? Extraordinary Machine by Fiona Apple? The hammer of Thor by TYR? White and Nerdy by Weird Al? Panis Angelicus by Celtic Woman? Who threw the overalls in Mrs. Murphys chowder by Flogging Molly? Veteran of the Psychic wars by Blue Oyster Cult (currently on tour-they are re-energized.) Use your heads and think ......pagans christians and atheists(remember Jesus second coming will reveal the truth that the old testament was written by a rouge element in the angelic super structure and god as we know it will cease to exist)

Why does sqrt(x^3) + sqrt(5x) = 0 ?

I'm studying for my midterm, and the teacher gave us an answer sheet. Why does it equal 0. Is it prime? Help?

If is ok why is is illegal in so many countries?

While I believe that can help with discipline, I fear that the US will soon be on the list above. Some parents take things too far and do not make any effort to control themselves before they try to discipline their children. I think this is why it is illegal. Many of the countries listed are noted for their peaceable nature, though - the US was built on strife.

Jesus or Mohammed? who you think is better?

I just wondering about something. Who do you think is better. Personally i think Jesus is because he was more pure. And he never sinned. what do you think.

Is it fair to erase Crhis benoit from wwe history?

yes, i know he killed two people and committed suicide, but is that your business as a wrestling fan to p judgement, hey mr perfect died of a cocaine overdose, and he is in the hallfame come on?chris did his part to entertain us,and we wren't there who really knows what happened he was a wreck after eddie ped away,i loved it when he made triple h tap at wm 20 , game over

How do i use my Proactiv?

Cleanser first to clean your skin, toner next to remove any residue from the cleanser, next lotion to replenish your skins moisture. The mask is used at least once per week, no more than twice a week to obtain a deep cleanser.

What does makeup primer do?

I just bought a cheap clear makeup primer from Revlon.. I heard that primer is suppose to keep makeup in place.. Is that true?? I love my foundation but by the end of the day I feel like my face is slipping off.. ewww ... Also can you put the primer underneath your eyes to help with those little lines?? Any tips ? How much do you use?? Thanks..

Does the prune juice cause harm to a Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency(g6pd) positive?

i have a neighbor whose baby is g6pd positive and when the baby drank prune juice his face turn black and is coughing badly...

Quick Army MOS Question?

Hey I just joined the DEP for the Army and I recieved 89D Explosive Ordance Disposal as my MOS and i am scheduled to leave Feb 22nd. Im pretty excited but is possible to leave earlier say if i volunteer for a infantry or cav scout position? Aslo is EOD involved in combat? Thanks guys

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Does menopause affect your married life.?

We both husband and wife are same age. What should I expect after menopause. Will it affect our ual life and ultimately married life. We have very open communication but will he seek other partner or wife after I don't have ual desires anymore?

12 days in bangkok, what to do? TOP 19 THINGS TO DO IN BANGKOK!?

you can take a look at the list of coolest bar a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . Have a nice trip!!!

What's a good y romance novel?

I really liked the book "Forever" by Judy Blume. Do you know any good modern day romances, preferably about teenagers, or young adults? (:

Creationists only: what proof is there that evolution is bogus and science junk, and that creationism is true?

most people who believe in god acknowledge evolution to be true. im pretty sure you failed science miserably growing up.

OK, need to lose some weight . . . and some tips on working out.?

You need more protein and a few good carbs (for energy). Fruit is high in sugar and water so becareful eat it in moderation. Bananas are a good source of potium. Eat some low fat yogurt and maybe a protein shake (mixed with fresh fruit like bananas, yogurt, berries etc..). When you get a Spicy Chicken sandwich, leave the bun behind because the chicken is fried. No sodas as even diet will make you big around the middle. Drink water and I like powerade (it replaces the electrolytes you will burn off by exercising).

Tampon help?

I've just started to use tampons and I'm not sure if I'm using them correctly at all. I insert them the way the brochure says to, yet when I take the applicator out and stand I can feel the tampon and it hurts slightly when I bend down to pick something up. Do I have it far enough in or do I need a smaller tampon?

Which Week 9 Game is the GOTW?

Im a saints fan and i hate to say it but tampa and Atlanta are AMAZING THIS YEAR. so i think that is going to be the GOTW

Miley cyrus new pop princess?

i was watching the new and saw that miley cyrus is now consider the new britney spears !! she beat kelly clarkson on the pop charts by 2,000 more records i think anyways do you think miley is the new pop princess and britney is over oh yeah here is the link to that video that i watched on tv .

After Reading numerous articles about the science of telepathy I have been curious to many questions which....?

I am sure it dose exist such closed minded people who are meant to be extremely clever ! Well they are not .

Need some help with different makeup looks?

I think your skin is fabulous! With your eye color, hair color, and skin tone, I would recommend neutral shades of eyeshadow such as green, brown, taupe, etc...with eyeliner, it would really accentuate them, I think they're definitely your best feature. Lip shades, I would go for a plummy pink, also great for your coloring. Please email me if you want me to recommend brands, specific shades, etc =) Good luck!

What's up with peoples driving these days?

pace a cop that has his lights off, all bet that he is speeding also. people are just in a rush to get any where. i hate to say it but i am the same way, i go at a high rate of speed quite often.

Can I use my ugg repellent spray for other types of boots?

I have ugg boots andI had bought the repellent spray for it but I also have some suede boots from bakers, they are called sheldon. and I was wondering if i would be able to use the repellent for that as well

How does Sotomayor feel knowing she is an affirmative action pick because she is a PR?

What happened to the days of getting the "best most qualified" for the job regardless of race or gender or ual preference?

Who do I start at RB this week? Forte, Forsett, K. Smith, Rice, or Cartwright?

I have a mewto, a blue uno,a king of clubs and a summoned skull. I will own your Rice and goCART right.

I'm a teenage girl with boy troubles. Little Help?

OK so theres this boy named KC. ive known him for about a year now. we were never really good friends until we both went to camp this past year. At the end of the week, we became a lot closer than before. so heres my delema... he lives about 30 minutes away, hes homeschooled, he doesnt have a cell phone, and i dont have his number. i only see him a few times a year. theres a chance ill see him tomorrow night... so what should i do. i like him a lot.

What to do on a 10 hour car ride?

My family and I are taking a vacation to Boise, ID. My sister and I will be sitting in the back of the car for 10 hours, and we get bored very easily... We don't really like crosswords, or any other type of puzzles. Do you have any ideas of what we could do in the car.

Someone told me that some of the chlorine/chloramine removers is not safe... ?

No, that's not true at all, in fact it removes copper from the water. That's bad info. Although their may have been a bargain brand out their that did and got recalled or reformulated and that's where the story came from but i never heard of it.

Guys?? Am I still supposed to say I love you?

I have had a male best friend for about 8 years now, and it was always strictly platonic. I've always had a crush on him, but I thought he was too good looking to ever like me like that. Well, last night (2am), we went for a ride, and we parked out by the river (not uncommon). Well, we ended up making out to make a long story short, and then...........we had ! It was great, but now I'm wondering... We have almost always said we love you to each other, well, now, I'm afraid that he will take it differently since we had . i don't know how a guy would take that... We are still just friends, but he commented on getting some pillows for 'next' time. Guys, do you think he will take it in a different way now?

Overclocking cpu?

Have you tried checking Intels website for their own software? It may even be on the CD that came with your CPU, if you still have it.

I'm really worried about my friend, help FAST!!?

if you care about your friend, ull tell her parents. cyber bullying is just as serious as in reel life. even if she doesnt want you to, you need to. you will only help her by doing this. i hope this helps and i hope you do the right thing.

Grades to get into university and collage?

Grades are impertinent if you can't even spell COLLEGE, LOS ANGELES, YOU, and ANY OTHER. Thanks for coming out.

I need advice or a simple guide on how to use Sandboxie?

Sandboxie is all I use on my PC and the windows own firewall...Check the links for easy to understand instruction.

Why do some people in Venezuela.....................…

when i saw Hugo Chavez speaking on TV, when he sad that the freedom of speech in that country it outlaw, many people are cheering when he said that. Could there be people that enjoy not having the right of free speech under his rule?

Emergency situation for uk visa appeal?

Your wife is the one who needs to prove that she earns enough money to support both of you. If she works part time she does not meet the income requirements, which is probably why your visa has been refused.

How Can i Make him jealous, or make him realize i am a great girl he missed out on?

Get a boyfriend and move on with your life. Once he realizes that he can't have you anymore is when he'll realize how amazing you are. Don't let him get to you. I know it's easier said than done, but ignore him. There are a ton of other guys in the world waiting to be your everything. He'll come soon enough. Don't waste your time on this jerk.

Chemistry help !!!!, might be easy for you lol,?

It depends what your ysis is, but usually it shows a molecular weight of 35.5, which, if you work it out, means a 25% is the heavier isotope and 75% of the lighter one.

What is wrong with him?

It seems like he really likes you and he was jealous about the other guy, but for some reason he doesn't want to admit that.

My female alligator lizard layed 10 eggs.A few hours later they started to get dents on them.Is this normal?

Denting is from the humidity being too low, so you need to raise it. Not doing anything will cause your eggs to dry out and die.

If you were Sean Peyton which one would you let go? Why?

Reggie Bush or Darren Sharper. It doesn't look like the Saints will be able to keep both next season. Which goes and which one stays? Why?

Is "Christianity" just a name used to refer to your excuse for being a bigot?

Interesting theory, considering I was taught from a very young age, red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Which means we are all equal in God's eyes, therefore to be bigoted against another is not Christian or Christ like. So I would think the opposite would be more factual, if you are not a Christian or religious, then you are probably a bigot. I do not hold anyone of any race or level of ability lower than myself, nor higher than myself. Since you seem to based on your question, I would believe you may be someone with an issue based on an individuals beliefs, which in itself is bigotry.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is this a safe way to thaw chicken?

I remembered i needed to thaw then so i took one out of the freezer put it in a ziploc freezer bag ran it under cold water, than i put it in the fridge to continue to thaw. is this a safe way?

Bangkok airport!!?

I don't know where you're from. There are international airlines that fly directly to and from Phuket, so you don't have to waste time for domestic flights. My friend from Berlin can go to and from phuket without landing at BKK airport. Those airlines have direct flight from Europe or America which is very convenience for tourists. If this is impossible for you, try Air Asia whose domestic flights still depart from Suwannapoom.

How can i get them 2 leave me alone?

Let me tell u something girl I am 21 years old and I just left high school and I would do everything those girls did to you right back to them! When u see one of them by themself roll your eyes and call her a **** ! When you see all of them hoes together roll your eyes and give them a mean *** look! And if they call you fat tell them "I bet you can't beat this 'fat girl' and tell them their mother fat. Don't ever be scared of another girl she just like u If u keep letting them punk u they'll continue to do it if you don't say something. Ask them if they want to fight you or something!! Trust me and if you do end up fighting them hit them first and mess them hoes up real good!! Ask them if they're jelous!

A question for all of the religious people out there.?

I'm sorta religious, but there is this one problem I've always had with the Bible, can somebody explain it to me? God is supposed to be perfect, meaning whenever he makes a decision, it is the right decision, and if he is perfect his mind shouldn't be clouded by such human setbacks as jealousy and hatred. However, the Bible clearly states "Your God is a jealous one" then later puts jealousy down as one of the seven sins. This looks to me like the Bible is contradicting itself. Humans are imperfect. Humans are clouded by emotion. God is perfect. God is jealous. Can someone explain this paradox to me?

Is it Community Guidelines or Communisim ?

A question was asked and I asnwered the question and my question was picked by the asker as the best answer. But , these so called site Gods deleted my answer. To me , that was like saying that the person who ask the question didn't have the right to pick her own answer. Where do these site Gods get off telling you which answer you can pick as a best answer and which ones you can't ? They gave me the points and then took them from me . They didn't tell her who she could pick , but did tell her who she could not pick . She believed I was right and she should have the right to pick who she wanted . But the site Gods made that decision for her and to me , if your going to control what I say and think and do then thats a dictatorship or communisim , which ever you want to call it . Should the so called site Gods be able to do this ? Isn't that Communisim ?

Where did you have your wedding reception?

Mine was at a local park. We had sandwiches and salads buffet style that we had purchased from a local deli. And cake of course! We had put up one of those big white tents to have everything under. It was just a small wedding with maybe 20 guests.

How to use a dating site without paying?

Well, from what i understand, when it comes to dating sites, girls always get free access. Its the guys that have to pay. If the site is asking you to pay in order to send other people messages, then its pretty evident that its the only way to contact the person. Sucks, i know. I hate paying for dating sites.

How can i get him to kiss me?

I want my boyfriend to kiss me but u see i wnat him to make the first move and i dont juts wanna tell him how can i drop hints telling him i want him to kiss him???????????

Whats going on with me? Im losing weight without keeping diet?

Eating 5-6 smaller meals a day, every 2-3 hours has been proven to show more results than any other diet. It is the best way to keep your body fully nourished and each meal causes you to only fill that small 'void' in your stomach causing you to become much fuller, much faster.

What are your tips for the draft?

watts to Melba nati will go toCEe but really it doesnt matter bcos the AFL isnt a fair comp the way they work the draft give priority pick unless u cheat u can never get a good go at the best kids not every team would go out to get beaten like the blues have done to cheat the draft

How should 'The Lovely Bones' should have ended?

George Harvey (The Pedo) Falls off a cliff! Gets bangs up and dies. He should have be shot in the head or eaten by pigs

Rabbit Water distributers?

I prefer to use a bowl for my rabbits. They seem to get more water and I don't have to deal with the noise of a bottle. I rinse and wipe it every time a change the water and I wash it every other day when I clean the cage and litter box. A bowl is easier to clean than a bottle.

Do children tend to have almost the same BMI their parents used to have when they were their age?

my first two children were thin as children, my third was not. I was very overweight when I was young and my last child seems to be following in my footsteps. My daughter is the oldest, she has always been thin and always will be, like a size 2, my son who is less than a year younger than her is a giant, 6'5", 250, size 15 shoe, try buying shoes for that! I had a staple job on my stomach when I was 14 and lost all my weight in 3 months. I got big again and carried it for a few years with the pregnancies, but I have it under control again and I'm smaller that I have ever been in my life. Walking, lots of walking will drop the pounds faster than any diet, you can eat anything as long as you get enough exercise and you still will drop the weight. I believe our environment is to blame for a lot problems encountered throughout our lives. Not just diet, but everything, I think if asked, nature or nurture, our environment makes such a dramatic difference in many aspects of our life.

Is Alzheimer's disease hereditary and can a person stop it?

Diet helps a lot, and keep active! You need to eat foods with a lot of antioxidants, such as blueberries, greens, etc. A vegan diet helps because it incorporates many antioxidant foods, but you don't need to go completely vegan to reap the rewards. Prevention is a big thing... if you take care of yourself early enough, dementia won't be too big of a looming possibility.

What do u call the powersof the covenant?

ok theirs a movie ( the covenant ) and i want to know the name of the power cause im trying to do research on it so i could learn it

Has anybody had experience's in the following universities/their city's?

I'm attending Utrecht right now actually on study abroad. I've only been here for three weeks though, so my recommendation might not mean much. It's a really fun town so far. The Dutch in general are very friendly and helpful and English is literally everywhere. I have yet to meet a person who didn't speak at least a little bit. The cl schedule is a little different. You only take two courses at a time, which makes for a lot of down time during the week. I'm not thrilled with this system so far as I get a little bored, but it would depend on your study habits/preferences. The other thing that I'll warn you about the Netherlands is the weather. It's almost never sunny, just a whole lot of grey. I knew this before I left, but didn't think it would be a big deal. It's turning into more of an issue than I anticipated though. Combating the inevitable bouts of homesickness in an eternally grey landscape is kind of depressing.

[Audio] How can I set up using two sets of speakers in Windows 7?

The thing is, being USB, The Z-5 speakers are more than just speakers, they are a whole other sound card (audio device) . You need to see if you can redirect rear and front audio to separate audio devices. I doubt you can.

A really serious question(about reducing weight) !!!!!!!?

I found this really quick workout that only takes 9 minutes a day. You don’t need any equipment and you can really feel (and see) the results. When you have a minute or two check out a href="" rel="nofollow" The site leaves a little to be desired, but the DVD workout is good.

Why does Roseanne Barr call our Sarah: "A geopolitically-challenged national pom-pom girl"?

Looking a Roseanne Barr it is pretty obvious she was not on the cheerleading squad. However when Sarah Palin was asked a question by a third grader and she got it wrong. She apparently still does not know what the vice president does ... She says he or she runs the Senate. Nobody would ever accuse George Bush of being a bright man, but when he was elected, at least he knew which building to show up to. Still given that the only endorsement she got from any Conservative group was from Al Quaida and they want to turn the clock back to the 7th Century which is a bit radical as there are some who only want to turn the clock back to the 1950's.

The narrative of frederick dougl?

How does Dougl describe New Bedford, Machusetts? How does this description undermine economic arguments in favor of slavery?

Pwords not saving in Firefox?

Click tools on the top menu, click the security tab and make sure the "Remember Pwords for sites" box is checked.

Is anybody out there willing to sponsor a poor college student?!?

I am a full time college student working 2 part time jobs searching for a sponsor. If you, or anybody you know would be interested in financially sponsoring a student, I'm your girl! I am an honor student, very academically involved despite financial woes. My education is at risk if I fail to meet my monthly payment- so any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me if interested! Thank you!

My cello snaped?

Hi my cello snaped and its owned by leeds councel are those strings replacable Please say yes or i have to pay �395 for a new one thanks

On a scale of 1 out of 10- 10 being the best: how good of a skater am i? ive been skating 7 months.?

you can do some cool stuff you should really learn how to kick flip but i give you a 5.5 to a 6 if you learn how 2 kickflip id give you a 7

Can the internet replace the human being?

I have discussed various hypothesis in my monograph of the 'licence' degree in English under the title of 'Literacy and the uses of the Internet Among of these major thesis discuss whether the internet can replace teachers or not.Particulary,nowdays people who can not use the computer are viewed as illiterate because computers are wide spread and are a part of education.Many students sayed that teachers can never be replaced by the internet because he or she can communicate with student,listen ,solve his or her problems and they are still in need of teacher to guide and help them in the process of learning,whereas,the internet that is considered as a pive system for them.Other students agree with the idea that the intenet can replace teachers because it is the most modern way of learning and even teachers profit from the net.And you...what is your point of view?

What are the pros and cons of being a zoologist?

I'm thinking about becoming one. I would love to work with and research on pigs,squirrels, monkeys,dogs,and cats. The only thing is that I'm afraid of real life bees, alligators, crocodiles, sharks, and poisonous animals. Would there be any reasons why I would have to use chemicals? I wouldn't have a problem working weird hours. I would not be able to handle putting animals to sleep. I would love to teach children about animals. I don't have any interest in aqua animals. Any questions?

Jonas brothers, concert gettn there earlie?

okay so me and my cuzin are going to a concert in sept, 4th for the jonas brothers. I went to there concert back in march and we wanted to see them and we got there at 5pm and it started at 7pm and we never seen them get off there tour bus our anything. Well i was wanting to know what time should i leave next time to maybe get to see them in sept get off there tour bus and u kno theyll take pics and sign, so if yall could help me out, and the concert starts at 7pm also this time. THanx

My snowboard boot gave me a foot cramp?

ok, so i out on my boot, it is not new, i have worn it before, but on my right foot it felt like there was something digging into the arch of my foot, and i gave me a very painful cramp, the only thing i can think of that would cause this, is that i tied my my boots tighter than usual do you think that is what cause it? the way i ride goofy, and the boots fit fine

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ramadan- Why do you think Al-Masadd was included in the Quran?

This Chapter or surah is one of the miracles of Qur'an. Why because Allah SWA said that he, Abu Lahab, will go to fire and his wife, while they were still alive. They had chance and time to turn it around to mend it, but they didn't. and that is miracle and one of the proofs that Qur'an is from Ally not man made.

What does it mean when someone says "Three guesses, and the first two don’t count" ?!!?

Farah, they mean that they think the answer is obvious, that you can very easily guess and will be correct.

Why does my baby not stop crying?

my son is 1 month old and cries constantly he will sleep for 10 to 30 min at a time and when he does not have a bottle in his mouth he cries i have tried putting him on his tummy, his back, my chest, bouncer, swing, on the dryer, his pacifier, and patting him and he still cries.... what do i do???????

How do I know if I have exercise induced asthma or I'm just out of shape?

just keep pushing a little further each day, i have a friend with real asthma and he cant run for more than 30 seconds at a time without needing his inhaler.

What could be wrong with my 2 year old son? He has had a fever ranging from 101-104 the last three days.?

My son started daycare this past summer. Until then he has pretty much been healthy. (1-2 fevers a year, as well as a cold) Since the start of daycare he just seems sick all the time. He has probably had 4-5 fevers in the last four months. The fever is normally accompanied by other systems. His latest started this past Saturday. He has had a fever now for the last four days ranging from 101-104. Tonight it was 101.5 but we are now soon going on day 4. He does have a runny nose and sounds really congested when he sleeps. His doctor is saying it is nothing to worry about, it is just him getting used to all the germs at daycare. My question is, is it? Is it just him going to school for the first time or is something else wrong. I am a very nervous parent. I hate seeing my kids sick. Anyone have anything similar happen?

Sms-... cheating?

Why don't you talk to him? After all he gave you his mobile...maybe his intention was to let you see those sms-es. You should openly talk to him about this.

Where can i improve my team?

Power and speed are important when choosing players for your fantasy team. you can improve your team by making projections, then testing out your initial fantasy baseball team in a mock draft.

Max out my 401K (16.5) at age 26?

That sounds like an EXCELLENT plan. However, please make sure that you have an emergency fund saved up BEFORE you max out the 401k contribution. Having access to liquid cash is very important in an emergency. If the money is tied up in a 401k, it might take several weeks before you see a dime.

I got the "CARMEN ELECRA" workout dvd's....are they beneficial? How???

I got those DVDs for Christmas from my husband. I think they're great I've only been doing them for 2 weeks now, but I can swear that I'm more toned and I definitely feel more y. So even if they don't kick your cardio wise they definitely can boost your self -esteem which I think for women in particular is important to our over all health and well being.

Some good music for a CD?

I'm buying some stuff and making a CD for my girlfriend for her birthday. She's into alternative and old school rap, such as music by We the Kings, The All-American Rejects, Coolio, and some of the new Black Eyed Peas songs, (songs like I Gotta Feeling, NOT LIKE BOOM BOOM POW!). Got any ideas?

Do u guys think i am too short? Or doesn't it matter as I am not fat?

I am 5feet 2 inches in height,with a weight of 48 kgs ,and a stats of 34-28-34.Do u guys think i am too short? Or doesn't it matter as I am not fat?


My 7-month old baby gets congested whenever I take him outside for a stroll.... yesterday it was nice weather, so I put him in his stroller (he's still in the carseat in the stroller) with a light blanket.... and then all night he was fussing because he was so congested.... Seems to happen everytime. I'm surprised that he's so sensitive to a tiny breeze! How will I ever take him outside in nice weather? Anyone else experience this?

Is This Is A Good Diet To Lose Weight?

You're doing a lot of physical activity which is fantastic! You didn't mention how many calories you take in daily, but make sure you get at least 1200 a day. If you go below that your metabolism will slow down and your body will hold on to fat. I know what it's like to not feel hungry, and I often have to force feed myself food to reach 1200 calories. When I went below that I stopped losing weight completely. So it is important. If you find it difficult to reach 1200 a day, I suggest you substitute some of the foods you're eating for ones a little higher in fat so you can get more calories daily. I also recommend that you head to the gym first thing in the morning BEFORE you eat anything. This is the best time to work out because your body's carbohydrates are at their lowest and this causes your body to burn fat for energy a lot faster. If you work out after breakfast, then you have to burn off the egg and the bran flakes first, then you'll be burning stored fat. Understand, eating first slows down the fat burning process a little bit. Good luck and keep it up!

What role do you think it would have on our budget woes if we stopped printing money and holding intrest down?

Slow down inflation, may even bring prices back in order, may then stimulate some spending, may start increasing demand and increasing tax revenues. May actually be able to bring things back to before we started dumping trillions of stimulus into the economy, may bring back the natural eb and flow and start pulling us out of this thing. Oh, ya, i forgot, we still have to pay all that crap back. It will be a long time coming digging out of this one. I'm not holding my breath.

Where is a good karaoke bar in downtown Indianapolis that does Saturday nights?

I'm throwing a bachelorette party for my friend on a Saturday evening, and I know we would like to go out in downtown Indy, but she specifically wants to have karaoke be part of the evening. I've found several places that seem to do karaoke on weeknights, or places furthr out of town, but we're trying to stay downtown b/c that's where we can get a hotel for several...any suggestions??

SO this weekend I splurged and haven't followed my diet at all, could you help me get on track?

Its been an awful week, and I ate so bad this weekend to make it worse, and totally ditched my diet. My gf left me, I'm not following my diet, my friend ped away today (RIP Emily), had to go to court for a ticket even though I didn't do anything, failed 2 midterms, and lots more....please help me feel better. Give me so advice or inspriration, I need to be motivated, anything at all will do...please and thank you

What kind of cell is this?(read details)?

it has: a ctyoplasm,dna,golgi apparatus,lysosome,mitochondrion,nuclear mem., nucleolus,nucleus,ribosomes,RNA,rough ER, smooth ER.

What do you think of Proposition 4??? ?

Yes. I want to know if my minor girl is getting an Abortion. She is my responsibility for all things until she is 18 which means I have a right to know about it. If she goes out and drinks/drives and kills someone when she's under 18, I as her parent is responsible for damages. Why can't I know about a medical procedure?

Which of these boys' names sound the best?

I like Dominic the most because that is what I named my son. I also think that Levi is a very cute name. I would say that I like Felix the least of all of them. As for the middle name, I gave my son his fathers middle name. A lot of people give middle names that are of family members names.

What if Obama just realized he was president?

Say like right after a certain amount of days he would be un hypnotized and be like "Am I president? Wow that is cool!"

Will Rodney King's ( can't we all just get along) support for Obama tip the election.?

I know that many in the Obama camp were waiting to hear from Rodney. Since his big court settlement against LAPD he has fallen on hard times, landing in jail and even state prison several times on various charges including robbery and attempted .. Claearly this is not the RK we once knew and grew to love. Not deterred by all this adversity, RK is back out there giving his full support to Obama, believing that it is our best chance to all get along. Out of the mouth of babes.......

Can anyone explain or apply Genie the "wild child" to experience, maturation, and language acquisition?

If you could just explain to me what happened to her/ how she could or could not speak and mature etc. Anything would be greatly appreciated.

Other driver fighting citation in accident. What should i take to the appeal hearing?

My girlfriend was in a car accident. she was pulling right out of a alley and was struck by a truck coming up over the hill. The cop said he had to be doing at least 80 in a 25 mph zone based on the skid marks running for 65 feet. The other driver is fighting the citation issued for the wreck and his company is denying fault right now. What can I do at his appeal (take with me) to help ensure his citation is not overturned. there was a witness statement given to police stating they saw it as his fault, plus i have pics of the speed limit signs posted and of some skid marks. Any advice on how to keep him from winning this case and his insurance being able to claim him not at fault. both my son and girlfriend were both injured in the accident as well.

Should I let my ex husband have visitation with the kids?

Last Friday my ex husband relinquished all rights to our 2 children so that he didn't have to pay CS. He did this after a long custody battle and a custody evaluation said that he was the crazy one even though he made tons of allegations against me. Then this Friday he shows up at the house demanding he gets his regular weekend visitation. I of course said no. He then proceeded to write a very nasty email about how I was stealing the kids from him and that I was destroying their lives by not allowing visitation with them. He then sent it to everyone we know. Does anyone think that I should just allow him to spend every other weekend with the kids when he took his name off their birth certificates and is no longer responsible for them in any way? In his email he wrote that "just because he relinquished his rights doesn't mean that he is not their dad"

Are countdown clocks adding an extra second?

not if they count down 59.9, 59.8, 58.7 etc...they have to do the single no...that's a silly question

Late developer... will i always be late?

does being a late developer (with puberty, periods and suchlike) mean you go through the menopause later in life than other people?

Cruising for the first time?

AHHH HOLLAND AMERICA Cruise LIne IS AWESOME! have so much fun!!! its everything they promise.......its not that fancy there are maybe two nights where its called formal night butyou dont have to go!

How to find jobs in middle east , without jobsites and without bribing an agent?

Most of the expats here get their friends who are already in Bahrain to find a job for them. If your friend does not have any friends in Bahrain, then he can start sending his CV's to companies in Bahrain through the net. He can also come to Bahrain as a tourist and look for a job but this can be costly. There are cheap 2 and 3 star hotels in Bahrain but the ticket can be expensive.

Do I sound pretty????

Im about 5'7" skinny but not to skinny i wear a size 2. My hair is blond and has light abern high light. i shop at American Eagle, Hollistor, Ambercombie and finch, juicy. I am really athletic i play soccer, lacrosse, i cheerleade in 3 years im goin to try out for the dallas cowboy cheerleaders. I model i was third runner up for miss teen CA. That me but thats not all it would take forever to write put everything.

What are the prerequisets to "the Giant black book of computer viruses"?

Some basics of how computers work would be a good idea. It is focused on embly so some basic knowledge of embly is a good idea. It's also a little bit dated, which is a shame because it's so thorough.

I want to try the best before stop playing MMORPG games?

Usually the best games you would have to pay for, that's why I recommend World of Warcraft so highly, it can keep you occupied and entertained for more then 2 years... But if you still aren't willing to pay for a great game like that, I recommend Lord of the Rings online, Dungeons and Dragons online, or Allods... You may need a good computer for those though...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I have read that humans are the most refined form of existence. Closer to God, if you will.?

NO, we are not the most refined form of existence. We are the only part of the creation that disobeyed and fell from Grace. I think we are at the bottom of the list. Read Genesis..God called everything else "good" except man.

Which is the Best Finals Matchup?

i dont think either of those two matchups would be the best but between those two i would say the seond matchup. IT would be awesome to see how booser or noah could handle nowitzki and at the same time it would be nice to see if terry can shut rose down. THe mavericks are one of the best offensive teams in the league and the bulls are the number one in the league in defense so the second matchup would be the best

Alfred wears batman cape?

Alfred wore the cape many times in the comics. But the one your thinking I think is from the Batman animated series wherein Alfred also wore shoulder pads. I just can't remember the exact episode though...

Is the Kingdom of Heaven a state of mind or a spiritual abode?

I know this question has been asked before in various forms, but I would just a like a fresh take on what you think. I personally believe it is a state of mind where humans strive for perfection and enlightenment. Thanks for answering. All answers welcome whether your a Jew, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, or have no religious or spiritual affiliation whatsoever.

The B.A.R.T. cop that shot Oscar Grant, has finally been arrested! Your thoughts?

See my whole problem with this is regardless of the outcome I don't feel like justice will really be served. No I'm not happy about it it still bothers me. From what I saw in the tape the highest charge that would stick would be criminal negligence in the face of his duties. That doesn't carry the sentence that a murder charge would. Now thing about this, if he isn't charged in a way befitting his crime the people will feel that the police can literally get away with anything, if he is charged with a murder and convicted, his jail sentence will be a death sentence. Now, I personally feel like regardless of the outcome there would be no way to serve justice by how the law is written and serve the needs of the people. So, I felt it should be handled in a way that might be seen as more arcane. I felt like because police officers have to hold themselves to a higher standard because of the powers they hold, and because Johnanne Mehserle isn't the only officer who's honor is on the line in this, that Officer Mehserle should committ suicide. Like the samurai of old for the honor of his family, his fellow officers and for his community. Just my feelings and I know you'll think that is a bit far, but in this case I think it would be the best option. Unfortunately, since he is in custody I'm going to ume that his weapon isn't with him and won't be when he gets out. He has shown that he doesn't have the guts or the honor, and would rather allow the justice system to slap him on the wrist.

How to retrieve the last transactions of all items within a spread sheet which are of different dates ?

Supposing I’m using an excel spread sheet for a stock ledger that records the receiving and issuance as well as the balance of a series of stock items within the same spreadsheet. The transaction of each of these stocks items will be transacted at different times and at different dates. Is there anyway that I can retrieve the last transaction (which are likely to be from different dates) of all items within a single spread sheet report ?

Im 15 and always get hit on by creepy men. should i just ignore it?

Well grabbing you by the is ual harrment and you should report it to a security person who is near or anyone of the staff.. they have a security guard in every big mall they would call him .. you should report that if you see any member of the mall near or anyone whilst the man is still in your vision to point him out.... and report him.. nobody has a right to do that but as to stupid remarks.. everyone gets them.. I used to get them when I was your age and I also didn't dress promiscuously.. just because I was not dead ugly some freak made some comment but such things are best ignored but not the grabbing.. and you are safe in the mall because there are people... you don't have to be afraid there ... but avoid walking in lonely areas and stay on streets where other people are.. and houses then you can always call for help if you meet some freak outside.. you can walk up to a house and ring the bell if someone really harres you and he should be reported if you see someone around and it should happen again which I don't hope then report him whilst you can still point him out...otherwise it's too late and remarks.. ignore them.. that's the best way to deal with them....

Writing bully essay need help?

hes going to read it and think your stupid, because he wont understand any of it. Bullies do not react to letters.

Well now we know fellow atheists..?

It's not likely to be anything to do with the moderators, actually. If a question is reported enough times, or if it is reported by what they call a 'trusted reporter', then it is removed automatically.

Girls' unrealistic idea of Prince Charming.?

I've heard girls say they are waiting for their "Prince Charming" to arrive before they get married. The problem with that is, that' s unrealistic, there is no guy that has it all, good looks, money, tall, treats you good, but isn't a wimp, is sensitive at the same time, etc, etc. A lot of time these girls have dumped friends that I've known, that were a good catch and have most of these qualities but aren't "perfect" or "prince charming" enough for them, I mean no one is perfect. Sure, I would like to find a Carmen Electra with a brain, that can cook, and likes sports and hates to shop, but that's unrealistic. I know girls aren't perfect and either are guys. I'm much happier with a decent looking girl with a good personality. I think girls are way to stubborn with this idea that's a fairy tale? What gives?

1. The subject of "Game" by: Donald Barthelme can best be described as...?

heyyy this is like so ironic! but im looking for the same answers! is this the lesson 5 exam for english 3? hehe this is awesome! anyways i agree with the guy who answered but im sure about the second question cos i picked C.

Stephen Douglas's main reasons for proposing the Kansas Nebraska bill included:?

d. his desires to boost Chicago's prosperity and find a central route for the transcontinental railroad. (That's what it says in Wikipedia)

America Invade Middle east for Oil?

Holly, he's saying he doesn't agree with the theory that the US is in the Middle East for the oil. Hence the gigantic amount of sarcasm, and i don't think English is his first language (maybe) and that's why it's hard to understand. I think you need to grow up and stop being so ignorant. Anyways, I agree with you. I think we had a proper reason to go into the Middle East. Although I disagree with the US going there in the first place, I also disagree with the idea that we went in there with oil on our minds.

I know this is a FAQ but...?

Does anyone have a suggestion for a great book to read? I want something enlightening and profound. I DO NOT WANT TO READ TWILIGHT! Some books I have read in the past and really enjoyed are: Bram stoker's dracula, The five people you meet in heaven, Animal liberation, Animal farm, and To kill a mockingbird... to name a few. Book suggestions that have to do with animals are a plus! Thank you:)

Am I in the wrong relationship or is this my anxiety destroying things?

So lately I have been deathly afraid and obsessed with the idea that I might not want to be with my boyfriend anymore, that we are not right for each other. I find myself sitting around, picking out all of his flaws, all of the flaws in our relationship. Then I think that that means we should break up, and then I get really sad and freak out because I don't want to lose him. When I obsess about this I dont feel as connected to him, I feel overtaken with worry and I cannot enjoy myself. Is this me falling out of love? I know that I love him though, and the idea of losing him makes me sick. I just cannot stop obsessing. I have depression and anxiety as well. He is my boyfriend of a year and a half. We are both going off to college soon and we have decided to break it off when we go away. It is going to be really, really hard. I do think that it is the right idea for now, to become our own people and not be tied down and then maybe get back together at another time. Either way this relationship means a lot to me. I am probably thinking too much, but I dont want to ruin the last two months with him. I just want to enjoy him company. I dont really know what to do???

Does anyone know real life examples that involve the use of catalyst?

Cars usually have them to complete the combustion of anything that makes it out of the engine and there are plenty of sources for a more indepth discussion than here.

Please help me I really need to know whats wrong.?

Please talk to your doctor that diagnosed your depression, anxiety and PTSD. You may need to have your medication adjusted or changed. You may also want to have a complete physical and blood work done by your PCP to rule out any reasons for your fatigue. I hope you will be doing better. Good Luck.

Why is there a double standard in sports?

Because it depends on what color the person was, what sport they play, how popular they are, and how good their team is doing. You're right, they should ALL be suspended from their sports, if not kicked out completely. I don't care if they have a contract, they shouldn't be able to get away with something that is illegal and not face action by the government each and every time. I completely agree with you!

Are These Dialogue Tidbits Even Realistic?

the "one day" one is NOT realistic at all!! the other ones sound fine. THey are a little awkwardly worded but most written dialogue is, because if it was written like people speak the grammar would be terrible and it would seem choppy. Definitely don't seem to be set in modern times though lol.

Who would you rather have as President Hillary or Rudy?

I say Hillary, although I will have to wash my mouth out with soap. I can't vote for a man that's hated by his children and needs three wives.

How do you address a friend's parent?

I would say that you should either call them Mr. or Mrs. But if you are more comfortable with them then you could ask them if its okay to call them a different name.

Need more comments??

great imagery, some really good stuff in this. i think perhaps you should put a linebreak between the "my dreams" and "look at her" - the change of person confused me for a moment. those last four lines are very good, it was just an abrupt change.

How do you know if a girl is bi/?

Ok so I'm 19f and have been straight all my life and am happy with men but am single at the moment. Over the last couple of years I've been wondering if I'm bi or not - I think I am but I guess that's another question. Just wondering how you know if a girl is into me or not and if she's bi/? There's been like 4 or 5 girls in the past month who, on nights out, have been really touchy feely with me. I'm wary that perhaps this is to do with alcohol as I'm like that myself when I'm drunk. But these girls are hugging me, touching me, flirting, looking at me smiling, giving me the eyes etc. If any of them were guys I wouldn't doubt for a second that they were into me. But the fact that they're girls (a few of whom I'm close friends with) makes me unsure. On one occasion, I was sitting with a girl I know in a club and I had my arm around her shoulder and she grabbed my hand and put it on her **** and later she was rubbing my thighs. To complicate this further, she has a boyfiend so I dunno why she was doing that I guess she was just really drunk. Sorry for such a long winded question but what I'm getting at is this; is this sort of behaviour normal for straight girls or does it mean that they like me/want to kiss me/whatever? Cos I don't want to go in and kiss one of them to only have them going like wtf?? Pleaase help I'm so confused! (By the way, I'm not particularly talking about this girl in the club because she's a friend and has a boyfriend so I'd never do that!)

Help in BlackJack ?

Can anyone tell me a website that teaches me basic strategy and how to count cards in one deck only, because I'm not playing at casinos only with my family at home.

Am gay and disagree with gay marriage?

I think you're forgetting that at least 1/3 of all marriages are NOT church marriages in the first place. Millions of folks get married by Justices of the Peace. There's nothibng in allowing Gay marriages which forces them to be performed in religous ceremonies, and there's nothing in those laws that would force churches to marry same couples, either. Those marriages that are carried out but Justices of the pice are not, legally, entitled "civil unions," but are entitled marriages, and require a marriage license and are certified with a marriage ceritifacte, just as are religious marriages. I don't agree that marriage is between man and woman and God. Marriage existed long before Christianity, and far outside of Judaism, as well.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Is he still interested? or is he just shy? idk please help?

ok so im in high school now, and i think i might like this other freshman. the problem is, he's only in my algebra cl, and we dont sit near each other. its a small school, and i still dont see him in the hallways that much. i HAVE talked to him several times, so dont think i didnt. the only time i see him beisdes algebra is in the morning in the hallway but his locker isnt near mine. when i first met him, he was interested. thats why he talked to me in the first place. but now anytime i see him or if i say hi, he doesnt seem interested in talking to me. could he just be shy? and since i dont see him in school all that much, and i dont have his number, or sn, or facebook or anything, should i just give up or keep trying?

Parents with Mixed Children have you been the victim of prejudice, if so what happened?

I am white, my fiance is mexican and we have 2 kids together. I get stares all the time while in the grocery store but i just ignore them.I also get notes from school sent home in spanish as my kids have a hispanic last name LOL. My step-father was racist, but I didnt turn out racist.

Do you think the world would be a better place if people paid attention to their dreams?

Dreams are spiritual and symbolic. They serve as a vehicle that allows our subconscious thoughts and ideas to express themselves and make themselves known. Through dreams we can create, explore, succeed and fail without fear of persecution. So, if dreams help us in bettering ourselves and the world around us, why do so many people disregard them? Do you think the world would be a better place if people paid attention to their dreams?

How to go to capital square which is nearby dang wangi lrt station?

Take the Federal Highway (Lebuhraya Persekutuan) and take the exit after MidValley which leads to Jln Tun Sambanthan and KL Sentral. Keep going along Jln Tun Sambanthan until you reach Kota Raya (should be Kotor Raya). Turn left onto Jln Tun Perak and turn right into Leboh Ampang before you reach Masjid Jamek station. Go along Leboh Ampang and go left. Go past the bus stop and turn left onto Jln Munshi Abdullah. At the end of Jln Munshi Abdullah, turn left onto Jln Dang Wangi. You should be able to see Capital Square from there. Parking, however, might prove a problem.

Meaning of Life Philosophy?

I will help on this part. Democracy is worse that a dictatorship, because it is mob rule with no real order. At least a dictator has order, be it good or bad.

Credit union?

if i need 9000 dollars and i can put 2000 dollars down as a down payment will i need a co signer or will i run in to any problems. how do i go about getting the loan

Great PSP Games?

Alright so I already have Daxter and am probably going to get Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, what are a few other great games that you enjoy for the PSP and why?

What are some good names for a fantastical country?

You, know, like Narnia, and Alagaesia (my apologies to Chris Paolini if I spelled that wrong) I'm writing a book but am not so good at making up names for things. Sincere suggestions only please!

How to stp weirdness?

k so im hookin up with this guy who has cheated on me twice but w.e he's not my bf i told my friend i was thinkin of endin it n i think my friend told him(btw my friend is a guy n u know guys talk)since then we havent hu like he hasnt even tried but i kinda want things to be normal again should i tell him n what should i say? thanksss : )

Where is Sophia Shafquat: producer of 9/11 Mysteries?

Whatever happened to Shophia Shafquat (alias Sofia Smallstorm)? She produced 9/11 Mysteries and was supposed to make it into a trilogy and she just disappeared without a footprint.

My 30 year old daughter and granddaughter are ruining my life?

my daughter has been living with me and my husband (not her father) off and on for 2years. all she does is work which is good but she refuses to help around the house and resents the fact that i have raised her daughter for the past 3 years and is jelous of me and her. she refuse to except the i have taught her things and she is all the time bringing up the past and telling me that i have not raised her right (being her mother). she is never on my side inan argement always argumentive. I love my grandaughter with all my heart and do not wish her any hardship but I cannot spend another day in the same house with this person.We have never had a good relationship and it doesnt lokk like we ever will. what can I do aBOUT THIS PROBLEM..

Vampire book i am trying to write please read and comment!!!?

Your teaser is written badly and your characters and scenes lack some basic depth and developement. Keep practicing and come up with your own ideas for it too, don't try to top the best right now, you'll just disappoint yourself. Just try to do it for you, because you haven't done it artisticly or said it like you have wanted to. Yours comes off, as a more of a good idea, but that author isn't speaking with "The voice" yet.

I need a plan to help me flatten my stomach and thighs?

Water is always good to drink. especially instead of soda or milk. but eating fresh fruit first thing in the morning before you eat anything else always helps. The antioxidants help your body burn more calories.

Live plants in aquarium?

i have a 29 gallon fw tank with plain aquarium gravel and a stand aquarium hood and fluorescent lighting id like to try some live plants but don't know what will work and be easy as i have 2 gold mystery snails and 2 black ones, 8 zebra danios ,1 dwarf gourami ,3 sword tails, a gold fish ,1 female betta, 1 pleco, 1 kissing gourami, 3 corydoras ,1 Colombian shark (sm),and some ghost shrimp....the tank has a tetra 30-60 gal filter and air stone in it

What's the name of that song that goes youuuuuu youuuuuu youuuuu?

okay i couldn't put it in the headline. but i work at universal studios. and when i work at mels diner, there's this one song that always plays and no one can seem to recollect what it's called! but i want it on my mp3 so bad Dx. i can never catch the part where the guy is actually talking bc either i'm too busy working or the customers are too loud DX so i only ever hear this part!! "youuuuuu....youuuu....youuu....youuuu..… ooooooohhhhaaaaaaaaahhhh" i know it's not much to go by but it's a clic oldie. up there with elvis n stuff. but i hope someone can figure it out ._. thanks for your time though!

Condom failure rate?

I've been researching the effectiveness of condoms, and as most individuals know, they have a failure rate of about 1-2% even with perfect use and no breaks or slips. My question is: what is contributing to the failure even if it is used perfectly? A defect during manufacturing? Condoms are water tight, so if water molecules cannot p through, and viral particles cannot either, how could sperm cells possibly slip through as well? I'm beginning to think that the failure rate is merely a result of a sporadic case of improper use, not a defect during manufacturing or the fictional "small holes" present within condoms.

Best heat protectant for flat ironing hair?

Royale hair serum. it works great to repair, protect and moisturize damaged hair, and won't really leave residue. answer mine? a href=";_ylt=ArMXBFmJU.KKjPKtPC9Wl3MazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20100903173027AAd4Vjo";…/a

May you critique my short story?

OMG that was amazing! I normally would not give a story this long a chance, but I got into it and it is really good! Gosh I wish it did not end!

Sleeping on the side of the highway while inmates work an tigers lurk.?

i dream that im sleeping on the side of the highway I wake up to see inmates cleaning the highway i get up fold up my blankets an begin to walk thru the woods where i see a tiger so i have to climb up futher to avoid him. Next part of dream there are two tigers one is sleeping on the lower level of the woods as the other is trying to get to me an people that im with try climbing up a tree but that doesn t work tiger is coming up other way giving me a chance to get away. dream ends with me an my family being chased of the woods by the two tigers into some type of banquet hall where ,where stand behind big wood doors to let other family members in an close out the tigers. please some one help me understand this dream

How do you stop worrieng about someone?


I had an allergic reaction to oyster, and started itching. I took benedryl, but the itching won't stop!?

What else can I use? My whole body has been itching for seven days now! Please help, I am miserable!

Wind up clock problem....?

My grandpa gave me his old antique Montgomery Ward 31 day wind up clock. Since trying to put it up in my home it will not work. The running joke is that it was on their wall so long it won't work on my wall. It is fully wound up and cannot turn the key anymore. So is it a mechanism problem or a pendulum problem. It will work for about 3-4 minutes before the pendulum stops. It still chimes when ever I move the hands. Is it something I can fix or should I get it looked at by a pro. Don't want to waste money if it's just something I can move with the pendulum. Thanks

What is the best way to ingest more protein?

I'm vegetarian and I'm not going to lie, I don't eat what I should be eating. I take a multivitamin daily (If I remember), but there are times when I know my body needs protein and have to go grab a power bar (extreme tiredness, and become "out there"). Even after I work out or do a lot of cardio activity I get shaky. What kind of supplements are the best to take? My boyfriend has protein powder mixes and stuff he uses because he works out. I'm looking for a pill or vitamin of some sort any suggestions?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Math statistic help probability?

find the probability of getting 4 consecutive aces when 4 cards are drawn without replacement from a shuffled deck.

Which founding father referred to citizens as swine (in regards to majority rule(democracy))?

I'm looking for quotation from the founding fathers about mob rule and their reference to the average citizen as swine (or other animal). I've read the quotation about 10 years ago in a government cl but do not remember who exactly said it and google searches are coming up with no results.

Help me what do I do?


Bearded dragon hydration?

How do I keep my BD hydrated during burmation he is in burmation now and this is my first time experiencing burmation

What is a sentince with the word?

give each of the word a sentince with the word in it :plight,trek,summit,subdue,pursuit,molte… nonnegotiable

The word amen???

you all dont make sense dont look in the dic look for scripture..when you end a prayer and say amen are you agreeing to you prayer to god or closing"to the glory of god" 2cor 1:20

Whats a good screen name?

Im making a new email on a website not many people know about so it can be anything. I love animals. I have lizards, hamsters, snakes, dogs, , and fish. So whats a good sn for me? Im not a very creative person with words so I always need help with these sort of things. My name is Gabby btw to see if that makes it easier. So just add tons of suggestions please.

What do you think of the boy name..?

I honestly didn't even think of Harry Potter until you mentioned it. I actually thought of XM/Sirius Radio haha. I think it's a fine name. The character isn't that big to where in like say 10 years time peole will seriously correlate that name with Harry Potter. Go with it, who cares ;].

Can a dog be left outside all day? Border terier please help?

Terriers tend to be very owner attached, so he may show some anxiety in the beginning, but he should be fine. 7 hours alone is a bit much, maybe someone can play with him or bring him in for 30 minutes at a time every few hours? I also wouldn't recommend a tie out, especially not for a terrier.

Are libs disappointed that their leaders are making $millions from Big Oil? all makes sense now....the delays and refusal to put the Jones Act on hold. It's all about payback to the unions and Soros !

Where can you fin d wilt and coco on big fat awesome house party?

House partys can be fun. You can have a BBQ or just order a six foot sub from a sandwich shop. Have the guests bring their own alcohol or drinks.

Where can i go to a convention in MA?

I want to see Kelly Divine, Sara Jay, Gianna Michaels, Ava Devine (i dont think she does anymore :( ), Tia Ling, Jenna Haze, and i would continue on and on but i would just bore you

Guys that give that give you that weird creepy feeling?

Some people are y in an evil kind of way. I don't mean a "bad" boy, but someone who is truly just a dark person. I've always been drawn to the "misunderstood evil types"...

Am I asking too much to break this budget?

My thought?.... Why should you freeze your off?..... Go to a second hand store and buy a used coat.....

Whats the lastest you have had a BFP, the day AF due or later..?

just wonder whats the lastest after you AF is due did you finally get a BFP, like if you tested the day you were due for AF and came up negative tha say 2 weeks later you got your BFP!

Should YouTube comments be moderated?

What do you think? Should they be read by moderators? It's so annoying! When you post a video, people try to lure you into an argument by saying bad words and cussing at you, hurting your feelings.

OJ was found not guilty, Robert Blake was found not guilty, will Casey Anthony be found not guilty as well?

You make a good point. But O.J. and Robert Blake are celebrities. They also had very good, expensive lawyers. I don't understand anyone who thinks Casey is not guilty.

I have a Genie GWKPD garage door opener...?

And it needs reprogramming. It was installed when I moved into this house and there is no owners manual in site to turn to for what to do. Could I please have some help with how to change the PIN?

Why is it that most people don't use spell-check when it's readily available?

Questions and answers will be seen by innumerable people. So, why not check spelling and look for other errors before something written is submitted? Do you think working on computers is undermining language usage?

And we shall all laugh at gilded erflies....good tattoo idea?

The quote isn't exactly like how its from King Lear but I was wondering if getting and we shall all laugh at gilded erflies as a tattoo is a good idea? Any ideas as to where I should get it on my body? Also, I'm not copying this off Megan Fox if anyone decides to say that, I didn't even know she had it when I decided I wanted to get a tattoo and I'm honestly a Shakespeare fan. Anyways, is that good, or could I rephrase it some other way, any suggestions will do =)

How are you going to pay for college?

you can go to community college and work to save up, then transfer. i know people who spent two years at community college only to transfer to awesome schools. some community colleges charge as little as $20 a unit. also apply for work study, student loans, and tuition aid. anything helps. i go to an expensive school too =/

How true is this?

i mean all i hear about college is crazy partying and hooking up? and mad hazing in the greek system? im about to apply to some universities? wat percent of kids actually does it? i mean i weould feel bad being the sober person.. but i don't wanna get drunk either.. is college life like this?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Solving csc x + cot x / csc x - cot x = 1 + 2 cos x + cos^2 x / sin^2 x?

I actually have no clue, using pythagorean identity doesn't work out for me so well. Can someone please show me how they solved this one?

Is the devil doing her to come back? Does he never give up? What can the believer do?

Satan is a deceiver, a liar. And that's how he operates in the earth.Trusting in Christ is the only escape from satan.

A hypothetical element consists of the following naturally occurring isotopes.?

In order to do this, you must multiply the abundance (26% is .26) decimal by the m. Then add all of these products together. It is like a weighted average. I got 47.098amu (D).

Should I contact the police?

well you say it was six weeks since you have seen her...why not go and knock on the door....if you get no reply ...then peek through the letter box...if there is a ton of mail and or papers on the floor might be prudent to ask your neighbours if they have seen the women and children.....if they have not...then you might want to call the police ...i think from my own point of view...that i would have called may be nothing..but the police would rather hear your concerns,then they can make the call to check it out or not...(they can check mobile and land line phone bills/numbers etc...they also have access to house occupiers names etc..if you don't already know her/their names..)they also have the power to break down doors gain entry if they are as concerned as you...hope all is well...too many people these days live next to each other and don't know the lots of cases of mainly elderly people being found dead in the uk especially in the winter...i have known people not know who's next door and they have lived next door for 10-20-or even 30 years!are you being too just a concerned neighbour....good luck and i hope it turns out all is well and innocent

Today, i cried all day at school?

I was really depressed about some family things. Then in homeroom i went up to my friend and like, I started crying really loud and hugging her. then we walked up to my teachers desk and she asked if we could go to the bathroom and then she lokd at my friend asking whats wrong and she talk her. then i went, i cired. wen t back. cried a little in art..cried a lot in choir. Then in math i balled. then in english, i was fiine. then in lunch, i didn't eat. history i was fine. then study hall i just cried and went to my frineds study hall. then in science i cried a little and went to the bathroom with a friend. Then in reading i went to the library with this boy and i cried and he listened. Now, i feel really weird because i cried. What do i do> When i go back to school, im going to feel really weird. Alot of peopel were staring and me all day. what do i do?

What is the best choice a PDA or e-pc for my situation?

i just got a promotion at work to health and safety and I now have a lot of paper work to do and i was wondering if a pda or a eeepc or e-pc which would be the best way to go and which brand I don't want to spend to much but i want it to be on windows and to have word with spell check and excel and the rest of the office stuff on it?

What does "honda" mean in this contex?

what does all this say/mean "no te conosco mucho. o mas bien nada pero creo que eres buena honda"

Libs, knowing the following is true, and Hillary possibly having involvement, will you still vote for her?

Hill and Bill could have done away with Santa Claus and libs would still vote for her. Yes, they are that stupid!

Columbia Full Zip Jackets?

I am really interested in getting a Columbia Fleece full zip jacket. I know you can order online but are there any stores that carry them?

ALL states should make this a law you think ?

Good on you and the state of Oklahoma. About time Americans stood up for America. At least it proves someone has some common sense and actually believes in the reason why our forefathers built this great country and why so many have died to defend it.

Why do hallways scare me so much at school?

I dont know why but hallways have freaked me out so much ever since I moved to another state (its been 5 years now) the first year I moved I was fine. Then after about a year in 7th grade i started being isolated, aggressive, and I never left my room, and id freak out anywhere public like at restaurants especially or going through certain hallways at school. Then the next year I was alone too but I think i was a little bit better but i still hated public places. Then came high school 9th grade at the beginning of school I was alone for half of that year, till I got a new gorup of friends. Id have to go through the lunch room hallway and id always hold my breathe,freak out in my head, walk super fast, everyone stared at me everyday i went past there..but anyways id go straight to my cl and sit there alone till my..egnore me a bunch friends came. Now im in 10th grade and im not alone except Im use to being alone so now I learnt to like it screws with my social life. I got over the eating in restaurants and I walk in a different hallway in school..But I freak out still Like ill start walking super fast and hold my breathe and I get Darting eyes(which my boyfriend notices) but anyways I get super paranoid and sometimes i even almost cry.. Im also afraid to show PDA in the hallways with my boyfriend and im not afraid of teachers it just freaks me out it feels like everyones watching me when we kiss or anything so im always paranoid and its only in the hallways... Why am I so scared of the hallways???Why do they make me so paranoid???

10 points best answer? advice?

I would say don't read too much in to him not IMing you first. I'm sure it doesn't mean anything. Talk to him during the one cl you share, so he will want to talk to you more when he gets home. If you have to start the IM conversation sometimes, that is okay. Good luck!

Can anyone give me a really intresting recent natural hazard that happened in the world?? x?

I need a really intersting NATURAL hazard preferably in 2008 but 2007 is ok too.. si like a earth quake or hurricane or something.. but a realy really interesting one.. =)

Metaphors describing the mix of cultures in the United states?

Over the years various metaphors have been used to describe the mix of cultures in the United states. they include the notion of the U.S. as a melting pot, as a river or stream, as a garden salad, and as a quilt or tapestry. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each metaphor?

How long should I wait before I tell him?

I asked out the guy I like, and he turned me down because he doesn't want a GF. He is still going to Sadies with me, though. When should I tell him that I still like him?

Tried to have with boyfriend for the first time, something went horribly wrong?

i find even till this day that it hurts to go in when my bf is on top!! so I usually go on top.. u should go on top and use your finger and then sit on it fast it will hurt but suck it up lol

Na3PO4.6H2O vs Na3PO4.12H2O?

Both of these chemicals are called trisodium phosphate, are they the same thing though? (don't those 6H20s matter?)

Any non-evangelical Christians out there?

You can share your faith through your actions. Actions sometimes speak louder than words. You will know that they are christians by their love. She sounds like a wonderful friend.

How can I take these videos out?

So all of a sudden on my homepage, yahoo, i have these videos in the ad section and they're all disgusting, like girl kissing girl, or Carmen Electra lingerie. They're disgusting and I don't want to see them anytime I log on, and it's not only on my yahoo, but mostly all the websites. It's getting annoying. Is there any thing I can download for free that eliminates things like this? Like a software or something? Thanks.

Theme of the Great Gatsby...?

I know that one of the themes is the American Dream, but could honesty/dishonesty also be a theme because of all the affairs and lies?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What has happened to the way people live, to cause so many debt loan companys establish?

Prices of products go up and up. Salaries stay the same. Therefore, cost of living more expensive and people struggle to afford the basics.

What can I do to deter slugs?

You can definitely put the salt on them directly. They will disintegrate before your eyes. You can also put out shallow containers partly filled with beer. The beer will draw them and then they drown. Though I would advise putting them where the dogs can't get to it.

"Conversation rules the nation."?

...what does this senseless and self-important statement even mean? It's like it's trying to sound profound and insightful, but really it's just a statement of the obvious (i.e. Verbal communication is how most things are accomplished.). Duh.... I suppose what it means may depend on the context.

Shouldn't "Affirmative Action" be based on family income and ets -- not on race?

Yes, the only acceptable form of Affirmative Action is one that is based on economic factors and that alone. That is the playing field that needs to be leveled. I agree with you 100%.

Can a 1 switch function for two different lights?

It would probably be easiest to use two switches, however one could use a what is called a "double throw" switch if the wiring is accessible enough to make the connections . You would probably want a three position, center off toggle switch, or a rotary switch with an off position. Such a switch should be available as a lamp replacement part. You might even find from a lamp parts supplier, a switch that will switch in the sequence: off : a : b : a+b

Waterboarding, an international crime?

After WW2, an international tribunal was set up to prosecute the various Japanese commanders who had tortured Allied prisoners. One particular charge was the enhanced interogation technique called waterboarding. In fact some POW commandants were found guilty of using this technique and imprisoned, and in some cases, hung. So will an international tribunal seek out Pres. Bush and others who authorize /utilize waterboarding and prosecute them?

Which of the following statements regarding glycogen metabolism is FALSE?

Starting from glycogen stores, the net yield of ATP per molecule of glucose proceeding through glycolysis is greater in skeletal muscle than in the liver.

Advice on training a cat... please?! We desperately need help.?

I'm going to try writing this question again and phrase it with a bit more kindness. My mother moved in with us in May with her little tiny kitten. Said kitten is now about a year old, give or take a few months, and she is a terror. Admittedly, I don't like cats, but I have dealt with them in the past. I have lived with the scratching furniture and rugs until we successfully taught them only to scratch their post, and I have dealt with teaching them that they do not belong on furniture and tables. My mother, my husband, and myself have all tried tirelessly to teach this animal to behave. She has toys, a tree house type thing, and a kitty condo so being bored is not her problem. I understand that kittens are hyper by nature, that's fine, but even my mother (who has owned plenty of cats in her life) says that she is by far the worst she has ever seen. I know that this cat has potential to be wonderful, because at night when everybody is sitting on the couch she will sleepily walk up and snuggle under my husband's chin or on one of my shoulders or even on one of my three year old twins' laps. I know she can be sweet, and in moments like that I actually might love her. But then there are moments like this morning, when I woke up to a destroyed living room. My husband and children begged me to let them put up a Christmas tree now, so eventually I agreed. Now I wake up every morning to ornaments, garland, and lights all over the place. I even went so far as to place everything higher up so nothing was hanging off the tree at her level, but she still grabs everything. We've tried spray vinegar on and around the tree (at suggestion of my friend) but it did nothing. I am sick of looking at chewed blinds, a destroyed Christmas tree, and cat hair on my kitchen counters. How do I train this animal? I need to stop stressing over her and she needs to learn her boundaries. I really do not want to have to ask my mom to get rid of this animal, but I'm reaching my limit. By the way, if it matters, I never yell at or anything like that. Believe me, I am extremely tempted to scream, but somehow I refrain because I know that does nothing to help.

How is giardia treated in humans?

I contracted giardia in Colombia over 10 years ago. Symptome free since then. Now the fatigue, constipation and foul smelling feces are back. I think the constipation came first allowing the parasite to multiply in the GI tract. Suggestions anyone?

Im obese. How to reduce weight?

Im 25 year old. and I weigh 104 kgs. For the past 6 months there hasnt been any increase or decrease in my weight. I am doing brisk walk for half an hour daily and I do sit ups to reduce belly size. pls help.

Is this a good fantasy baseball trade?

That would be a horrible idea. If you're giving up Kemp, you need something better in return than juan uribe and halladay...

Why did this indonesian change his name from Barry Sottero to Barach something or other?

Guess the same reason why he claims for 20 years he had no idea what his preacher was preaching & decided to change his church.

Which team would win if all of them were in their PRIMES?

Hard to say because some of these guys haven't reached their primes. I think the Mavs have more depth and overall talent, but the Cavs have much more star power. A prime Mavs backcourt bench would destroy the Cavs if Beaubois was in instead of Stevenson. I would go with the Mavs because although Shaq was unstoppable, Dampier was pretty tough in his day so the damage would not be so devastating.

What evidence of evolution can be found in the geographic distribution of living anmals? give an example?

Different organisms have different traits because of the environments they evolved in. For instance, some turtles have longer necks then others because the environment they evolved in required turtles to have longer necks.

Survey: Why is there a higher concentration of theists (believe in a deity) than atheists in P&S?

I noticed that the question "Do you believe in God?" receives more affirmative answers than negative. I was wondering what your view is on why this should be so.

Question about maverick 88s specs?

i wanna know on all the stuff about 12 gauges what would you rate maverick 88 as a gun im about to buy one and i want to know if it will be a good shotgun to buy or if i should just save up for another i havent heard many bad things about it i heard its a great gun but people say for the money alot like saying for 200 dollars its a ok gun but that makes me think it sucks cause 200 bucks aint much now a days i want to know if im getting a good gun for my money thank you

Whats going on with my body?

Side effects of lithium is a good possibility. Lithium carbonate lists shortness of breath, back pain, Urinary Tract Infection (ammonia smelling urine is a symptom of a urinary tract infection) and l discharge among it's 3,812 side effects. >>> a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Don't you hate it when people pretend to like a certain type of music?

F*ck 'em. Plain and simple. I get weird looks and nicknames because of the music I listen to, and I tell you, boy, I love it.

My celebrity look a like?

A taddd bit like Vanessa Hudgens. Maybe like 1% Hilary Duff & Britney Spears? idk. check they upload ur photo and tell u 10 celebs that u look like

Fantasy Superbowl, which tight end to start, Owen Daniels, Aaron Hernandez or Randy McMichael?

Owen Daniels. Either Hernandez or Gronkowski ends up having a big game, while the other does nothing. Its too risky to start either of them imo. McMichael hasn't doesn't squat since replacing Gates. Houston is going to p the ball (especially if Foster is out) against a weak Denver defense.

Redmon Company uses a sales journal, a purchases journal, a cash receipts journal, a cash disbursements journa?

This article on Special Journals is very useful. You can also read the other topics in the left hand panel.

How Can I Get My Grades Back Up? I'm 16.?

I'm not sure how I can help because I don't know how your school's grading system works. Nonetheless, I can help you with the basics. If you're beginning a new semester, you'd have to start over. Therefore, I recommend you study hard, do all the work, and turn it in without any mistakes. If necessary, do your homework soon as you get home to make sure it's done. In case your parents don't help, you can always use the computer. Also, ask your teachers what can be done to make up for missed work, and for work that can better your grades.

What is the name of the bruno techno song?

i saw the trailer on tv of the new movie bruno and there was a sick techno beat playing in the background. what is that song?

Alloy wheel dust covers for ford focus 1600,2007 5 stud?

hi . iv had a few BMWs in my time and i used to have two wheel dust covers to keep the brake dust off the alloys , they were a great idea , they were universal and fitted all cars ,saved cleaning wheels every two mins , im now looking for some for my focus , kleen wheels do them but not for the focus that i have , alredy asked , also the ones i had yrs ago were rubber , the ones that are sold now are steel , anyone got any ideas where i can get some , cheers

Should I ask this girl to prom?

As it is nearing the end of my senior year, prom is quickly approaching, and it is time for me to find someone to ask to prom. I just met the girl that I am considering asking in the fall of this year when we were both involved in the same club. However, that has been over since this february, so I have not been able to talk to her as often. We get along well and tease each other often, and she always says hi to me when she pes me in the hallway. We still talk occasionally when we have the opportunity, but I am not sure if she likes me or not. Also, she is a junior, and since prom is only for seniors and their dates, it may be awkward for her since she will not know as many people. However, I really like her, and I would like to go with her, but if it would be weird for me to ask when I haven't known her for very long, or if it would be awkward for her, I could look for someone else. Also, do I have to do something elaborate or creative to ask her, or could I just be straightforward and do it in person? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Thinking Critically problem?

In garden peas, the allele for yellow peas is dominant to the allele for green peas. Suppose you have a plant that produces yellow peas, but you don't know whether it is zygous dominant or heterozygous. What experiment could you do to find out? Draw Punnett squares to help you.

Could you please check and improve my sentences?

its really good but in the first sentence its the kangaroo is the most common animal in austrailia all your missing is small words like the and a but other than FANTASTIC job !

Missed period? Am i pregnant?

sorry only way to know is take a test,age doesnt matter your period could be late pre can get you pregnant....

Tragic Movies or movies of betrayal?

I like movies with sad endings or big tragedies and was wondering if anyone knows of a movie where one of the main characters kills someone close to him/her.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Where can i find a CCO - cosmetic company outlet in san francisco or oakland?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I feel as if my life is in a constant downhill skid. I don't feel as if I can't stop it, how do i stop it?

am i depressed? i hate my life, sometimes i just want to stay home and sleep all day because i am so much happier in my dreams. how do i get back to feeling happy again? this is taking a big toll on everything in my life. my relationships with family and friends, my schoolwork, my hopes and dreams.

How can I move to Czech Republic as an American?

I'm in law school right now, i have a bach. in international politics....but honestly I just want to move to Prague and escape for a while. Ideas? I know english and some french.

Which size fries are ordered more frequently at McDonalds?

Small, Medium, Large, or Super Size, I want to add this as a statistic for a paper, so it would be helpful to know which is most common.

Which tv, and what is response time?

I am looking for a new tv and just wondering if you wanted the response time lower or higher, like 5ms or 8ms which is better. I already know I want a tv with at least 120hz refresh rate, 1080p, LCD, 42" or bigger, and a nice high contrast ratio(regular contrast not dynamic). so any tv recommendations would help to. oh yeah and I have $3000 to spend on it(won it on a lotto ticket).

Was DeWitt ever the capitol of Michigan before Lansing?

No, Lansing has always been the capital of Michigan ever since it was declared a state in 1837 & the city was settled in 1835.

SAT Score Question (Please help)?

well on my SAT i got 1750 even though i worked really hard, i recommend you study even harder next time, take it to the max, i think i'll do that for the Math. i kinda depressed here but i hope ur not, try harder. i need 350 more

Who benefits more from being in a relationship with the opposite ?

It is women. Men eat and give woman everything. Even in some cases many woman do not even consider the fitness of that man but they always want something.

Teeth. Root c treatment?

Im getting an x-ray to see if Ive got wisdom teeth and if there there theyll pull out the teeth and if not they will do treatment wats it like

National Merit Scholar?

I'm going into my junior year and i'm taking the PSAT in october. I live in Mississippi but I go to school in Alabama, so does that mean the the cutoff for the National Merit is the one in Mississippi or Alabama.

How legit is the Bible? (by the way, quoting the Bible as evidence to its validity is circular logic.)?

It's obvious to me that there is some sort of creator god, or at the very least, intelligent design. Spending five seconds thinking about the intricacy of my circulatory system makes that very clear to me. It also seems logical to me that this "god" could look at his disappointing creation first with regret and anger, and eventually compion, even so far as to roam among them and show them the path to their true destiny, his original plan for them. The Christian stories of God and Jesus make sense to me. What doesn't make sense is much of the book of Genesis, which was written by Moses. How would Moses know how exactly God created the Earth, or how long it took him? Why does nobody even seem to mind that there is a talking snake roaming around? If I ever encountered a talking snake, I would most likely lose control of my bowels and seek therapy. The last thing I would do is take dietary advice from it! Am I less of a Christian if I don't believe every word of the Bible?


A 920kg sports car collides into the rear end of a 2300kg SUV stopped at a red light. The bumpers lock, the brakes are locked, and the two cars skid forward 3.2m before stopping. The police officer, knowing that the coefficient of kinetic friction between tires and road is 0.41, calculates the speed of the sprts car at impact. What was that speed?

Do you think Rankin/B animations consider a anime?

I only consider it anime if it was originally made in japan, or a japanese person. Im sorry but, the best animes come from there and most other places suck at it.

Guinea Pig Introduction Tips?

Question to you, why do you want to disturb the harmony you have with the two you already have by tiring to add two more when you know they will most likely fight. If you do keep them in a second cage it would be OK i guess i am jsut wondering if you are aware of how much it will take of your time to care for them. I mean even through they have a buddy in all fairness they need at least an hour a day of your time and you spread that over 4 it is kinda hard to think you can fairly give each one the fair amount of time they deserve to have.When we decide to cage an animal we make the decision to provide for them every thing they need emotionally and physically, can you give 4 guinea pigs that?

Excuse me, I just woke up from a 8 year coma. Can someone update me on what's been going on in America?

As a bush supporter, the last thing I remember was him on the campaign trail in 2000 advertising himself as a "compionate conservative", a "reformer with results", and "a uniter not a divider" He looked into the camera, squinted his eyes, and in his most manly voice, whispered "leadership...". That drove con males like me wild. He said he would bring "honor and integrity" to the White House, that he was "against nation building", that America needed "a humbler foreign policy", and mocked Al Gore's claims of "peace and prosperity".

What would be a good name for my character?

Im writing a story and some people are similar to people in my life. One person is this guy named Corey in real life who is REALLY annoying because he has a really nasally voice. Every time I walk in homeroom, hes likem "eww, its madison" What should i name the guy in my story?

Should my older boyfriend be asking to borrow money from me?

I think you did right and he sounds like a free-loader. You seem like a very nice, smart, and pretty girl. You don't need to be supporting some 45 year old man. You need someone to treat you like the queen you are! Time to find a new guy! Also, don't feel bad! You did the right thing.

How does rna differ from dna?

the first guy has it primarily right except i don't know which nitrogen base is switched with uracil. just google that to find out.

CAn YOu PlEaSe CheCk mY PapER?

It's a very narrow approach. What about CO2 emissions by breathing, by volcano, by wetland environments? Ok.. pollution is bad, but you CAN'T stop it, totally. What are the most cost effective ways to control it, without killing off people to save the world?

Is anyone out there a mystery shopper?

if so what companys do or web sites do you get your ignments from and do they pay you or reimburse you just for the things you buy

How do I find the yellow jacket nest in my back yard??

Lots of bees, I tried to feed them some sweet foods, so I could watch where they take it to, but they seem un-interested in eating. I watched them for like 5 mins until I got scared and was feeling non-existant bees stinging me.... Is there a better way to find their nest?? Is there something they really like to eat, so I can follow them back to the nest?? They fly in some crazy algorithm that I have a hard time following, so I lose them quite often. Any help would be great!! I know how to kill them once I find the nest, so please don't answer on how to kill them, just to find the nest.... THANKS

I need a wiring diagram for Hyundai santro zip?

i have a Hyundai Santro zip 1999 sufficient bright from headlight and lights not working in backside of the car (Break light,number plate light).